Last Friday 24th February marked the second annual prize-giving ceremony specifically for brickwork contractors: The ABC Awards 2023. Now cemented (pardon the pun) in the diary as a must-attend for The Association of Brickwork Contractors’ member employers and Associate Members, the event is the only awards night that specifically recognises the achievements of brickwork subbies in the UK construction industry.
Held at Royal Horseguards in Central London, the prestige of the event was complemented by the ornate architecture and vibrant history of the venue, which has seen the likes of William Gladstone, David Lloyd-George and Winston Churchill pass through its doors and walk its marble-floored halls.

Eve Livett, CEO of The Association of Brickwork Contractors and event organiser
After the success of last year’s event, which was also held at One Whitehall Place, the decision was made to bring back rugby legend and TV personality Matt Dawson to compere The ABC Awards 2023.
And what a decision that was! Charming, funny and great company by all accounts, Matt once again added gravitas to an event that was perfectly planned and delivered – single-handedly, I might add – by the wonderful CEO of The ABC and Director of The ABC Assessment Centre, Eve Livett.
From the champagne reception to the food service and the award scheduling to the after-dinner entertainment (there was a golf simulator with a prize for the longest drive!), everything was perfectly planned for guests to have a great time, mingle with friends and colleagues and even come away with an award!
Anyway… Back to the awards themselves. The ABC Awards 2023 featured one new category this year – “Project of the Year” – and retained the four other categories from last year’s inaugural event: “Craftsperson of the Year”, “Apprentice of the Year”, “Associate Supplier of the Year” and “Commitment to Training & Development”.
The ABC Awards 2023 Winners
Below you’ll find the winners in each category, as well as some snaps of the evening taken by a professional photographer:
Craftsperson of the Year
Presented by: Gareth Twohey of ACS
Winner: Sean Durkin of Marlborough Brickwork

Sean Durkin receiving his award from sponsor ACS
Apprentice of the Year
Presented by: Bronagh Ross of Leviat
Winner: Joshua Mayes of Lyons & Annoot

Josh Mayes receiving his award from sponsor Leviat
Associate Supplier of the Year
Presented by: Keith Aldis of The Brick Development Association
Winner: Grayson (GB)

Grayson (GB) receiving their award from sponsor Brick Development Association (BDA)
Project of the Year
Presented by: Clare Spivey of Grayson (GB)
Winner: Royal College of Art by Swift Brickwork Contractors

Swift Brickwork Contractors receiving their award from sponsor Grayson (GB)
Commitment to Training & Development
Presented by: John Duffin of Keyfix
Winner: Lee Marley Brickwork

Lee Marley Brickwork receiving their award from sponsor Keyfix
What’s Next For The ABC Awards?
As you can tell from the photos, The ABC Awards 2023 was incredibly well-attended, with some contractors and suppliers even missing out on tickets due to capacity restrictions! So, after just 2 years, it seems that the popularity and scale of the event has outgrown the venue. If you’re a Full Member or Associate Member of the ABC, keep your ear to the ground over the next few months for news about where the 2024 edition of the awards is going to be held!