The Association of Brickwork Contractors’ ABC Assessment Centre is thrilled to introduce an unprecedented tailored qualification for brickwork technicians. The Brickwork Technician NVQ at level 2 was fundamentally created to recognise the refined skills required to install the latest building product technologies, all closely aligned with building safety regulations.
How Did This Qualification Come About?
Currently, “brickwork technicians” – that is to say, installer operatives engaged in on-site tasks involving the installation of cavity-based products such as Fire Barriers, Masonry Support Systems, Brick Soffit Systems, Insulation Boards, and Cavity Tray Systems – are operating under a labourer’s card. However, the complexity and importance of their role necessitates a clear career path and professional recognition at NVQ Level 2.
To address this need, ABC collaborated closely with the Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) to develop the Recommended Qualification Structure (RQS) for Brickwork Technicians at level 2. This comprehensive framework outlines the necessary skills and knowledge required to ensure compliance with building safety regulations, as well as the endorsements needed to accredit competence.
Building on the partnership with CITB, ABC worked closely with the awarding body, NOCN, to expedite the onboarding process for the new NVQ Level 2 qualification. Employer letters of support were sent, resulting in a remarkably swift turnaround of this all-new qualification for brickwork technicians.
Furthermore, ABC has established the ABC Assessment Centre, enabling the delivery of the NVQ on sites across the country. This unique setup demonstrates The ABC’s commitment to promptly address industry challenges, resolve issues, and take decisive action through training and qualification initiatives.
Why Was A Qualification For Brickwork Technicians Needed By Industry?
Importantly, this new qualification aligns seamlessly with the Building Safety Bill and offers vital support to brickwork contractors in meeting the requirements of the “Golden Thread”. By investing in the professional development and recognition of Brickwork Technicians, The ABC aims to contribute significantly to enhancing building safety standards and ensuring the protection of both individuals and structures.
Dave Mills, Business Development Director at brickwork contractor Lyons & Annoot, said:
“The new NVQ L2 Brickwork Technician is something that shows really how far the construction industry is changing and also the direction in which it is required to now go. It will provide a qualification to the thousands of people within our industry who work around brickwork on the auxiliary/sundry items, but are not actually bricklayers, based on an assessment undertaken with qualified assessors on that person’s skills. This will provide all elements of the construction project chain the knowledge that the people who are completing the works on site are qualified in the works that they are doing.”
“We are thrilled to introduce this new qualification for Brickwork Technicians,” said Eve Livett, Chief Executive Officer at the Association of Brickwork Contractors. “By providing a clear career progression and professional recognition, we are empowering individuals in this specialist field to uphold the highest standards of building safety. This aligns perfectly with our commitment to deliver excellence and contribute to the industry’s overall well-being.”
“This new qualification will be advantageous to brickwork contractors nationwide, as well as main contractors, housebuilders, developers and their respective client base. It guarantees that qualified teams are entrusted to execute on-site work with precision and expertise,” added Dave Mills.